Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Washington Monument

We also saw the Washington Monument today while walking around Downtown DC. After our tour of the Capitol Building, we walked down Pennsylvania Avenue and took a few pictures of the Washington Monument. It is amazing how this symbolic icon of our great capital is actually in line with all of the major buildings and monuments in Washington. For example, the Washington Monument lines up with the Capitol Building on one side and the Lincoln Memorial on the other side. In the other direction, it lines up with the Jefferson Memorial and the White House on the opposite side. The planning of this city is absolutely exquisite work done by L'Enfant, who is now buried in Arlington Cemetery. The monument itself is actually two different colors, one half being lighter in color and the other being darker. At the top of the monument is inscribed, "Laus Deo" which is Latin for "Praise be to God".

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